Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Great day at speech therapy!

Nathan did great today at speech therapy.  He said several new words for Sue, including light (he used to say up), blankie, puppy, go and my.  We also worked on letter recognition and vocalization and he did surprisingly well with that, too. 

Yesterday, Paul took the day off work.  I had my annual vision appointment.  My prescription did not change and I walked out of there paying practically nothing!  I recently bought Nathan a new kiddie pool so we let him play in it yesterday afternoon.  He had a blast! 

On Saturday I went to the Desert Museum while Paul and Nathan went to the Pima County Fair.  I guess they rode a couple of rides and petted some animals, including a kangaroo!  We are thinking about going back this Saturday so I can pet the kangaroo...and Paul tells me they have garlic fries!  Nathan had to be 3 ft tall to ride some of the rides at the fair and he measured right at 3 ft with the help of his little spiked hair!  He was 34.5 inches on his 2nd birthday.

On 4/19 I took Nathan to the zoo.  We got there early to beat the heat.  Since we got there before the zoo opened, we walked over by Reid Lake and I noticed a beautiful rose garden.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It is getting hot!

It is in the upper 90s this week!  I am really not ready for summer! 

The air show on Sunday was great.  We were there from start to finish.  Since we got there so early, Nathan actually fell asleep during the first part of the show.  He is obviously a sound sleeper if he can sleep through that!  He enjoyed himself, but after awhile he got ansy.  I took a lot of pictures and I am still going through them.  The quality is not that great because many seem washed out.  It is hard to get good shots when you are shooting up toward the sun. 

Nathan had speech therapy yesterday.  Not a very eventful session, but he had learned the word no since our last session (which he pronounces "mo").  However, after she left, he did great the rest of the day.  I got him to do the sign for train, truck and cheese.  He also finally said choo choo.  It sounds more like poo poo, but at least he is trying!

Today I am taking him to the zoo.  I hope the animals are active this morning.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April showers...

Today it rained this morning and it is still cloudy.  Thus, we have decided not to go to the Air Show and wait until tomorrow.  Paul also has the day off on Monday so we are not sure what we are going to do then.  I should use the time to work in my house, but right now I am not feeling motivated. 

On Wednesday, Nathan's speech therapist did not show up.  I called her and found out she was sick so no speech therapy this week.  Instead, I took him to the zoo.  We go to the zoo like once a week.  I wonder if he is going to get sick of it.  There is a lot to see right now, though, with the new elephant exhibit, the lion cubs and our new polar bear, Snow.  However, the lions seem to sleep a lot, Snow is rarely out and sometimes even the elephants are out of viewing range.  I guess every visit can not be a picture perfect visit.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

Last Thursday, 4/5, I took Nathan to the zoo AGAIN. 

Friday was Good Friday so Nathan's school was closed.  We picked up our honeybaked ham that day to have for Easter. 

Saturday we took Nathan to Agua Linda Farms in Amado, AZ.  He participated in an egg hunt, rode a pony, petted animals and went on a hayride.  Tubac was only a few minutes away so we ate lunch there.  Paul bought himself another Mexican dude statue to replace the one Nathan broke months ago.  Then we walked around so I could take pictures.


Sunday we went to church for Easter.  Then we came home and had some ham, deviled eggs and carrot cake. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Picture Blog?

I am realizing that this blog is becoming more about the pictures I take!  I guess it is obvious how much I enjoy photography.

On Friday, 3/23, we went to a spring training baseball game between the White Sox and the Dodgers.  The Sox were losing big time when we left. Nathan got his first foul ball!

Here is a cute pic of Nina:

On Saturday, 3/24, we went to the 4th Ave Street Fair.  We did not buy any art this time.  We spent most of our money on food, including fudge!  We also got to go to one of our favorite restaurants for lunch, Athens on 4th.  The only other thing I bought at the fair is a bobbing roadrunner for our backyard.

On Sunday, 3/25, we went to Tempe to go to a spring training game between the Angels and Rangers.  Paul wanted to see Pujols play for the Angels (since he was a former Cardinals player).  The weather was perfect for a baseball game.  Nathan got another ball!  This time a ball rolled right to him during practice. 


On Monday, 3/26, I took Nathan to Reid Park Zoo.  I was anxious to see the new elephant exhibit.  We recently got a family of 5 elephants including a 5 year old and a 1 year old baby. 

On Friday, 3/30, I dropped Nathan off at daycare and went back to Reid Park Zoo.

On Saturday, 3/31, we took Nathan to get a haircut and then to see the Easter Bunny!

Today, 4/1, we went to church.  We missed 3 Sundays in a row because we were in the Phoenix area every weekend.  It was nice to get back to church.  When we got back home Nathan decided he wanted to wear glasses like mommy so he put on Mr. Potato Head's glasses!

Nathan said the word walk today.  He also picked up the sign for eat.  Small steps!