Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's Almost Christmas!

On 11/13, Nathan drew stick figures of mommy and daddy.  He is getting much better at drawing, mostly cars, letters, etc...

On 11/21, Nathan and I went to the Desert Museum.

On 11/24, we took Nathan to see Santa at Foothills Mall.  They had santa in front of a firehouse in honor of the Hot Shots who died earlier in the year.

On 11/26, Nathan had his Thanksgiving party at school.

For Thanksgiving, 11/28, we went to the Alvirs.  Nathan loved playing with Hobbester their cat.

On 12/4, I went to Reid Park Zoo while Nathan was in school.

On 12/7, my parents arrived to spend a week with us for Nathan's birthday.

We took my dad to the Pima Air & Space Museum on 12/8.  It was neat because they displayed many planes that look like the planes in the movie Disney Planes.

Grandma, Grandpa, Nathan and I went to see the movie Frozen at the movies on 12/10.  Nathan was not enjoying it too much in the beginning.  He kept waiting for the snowman to appear.  He also got scared in some parts.  But, he said it ended well, he liked it and he wants me to buy it when it comes out on DVD.

I took my parents to Butterfly Wonderland on 12/12.  I was excited to see their Winter Wonderland display featuring white butterflies, but there were not as many as I had expected.  They said they had some unforeseen circumstances so they are gradually increasing the white population.  We got to eat at Portillos for lunch!  Paul went to the doctor and had his blood tested.  His A1C was 9.1 compared to 7.8 the previous visit.  His doctor suggested insulin or seeing a pancreatic specialist.  He said he did not like either option so he first wants to work on his diet and exercise and see if that makes a difference.  It is hard with the holidays, but he has started doing the bike now.  We hope to get an elliptical machine next year because we will get a $200 allowance for exercise equipment from Aetna.  I am worried about him, though, so I hope that he can get his blood sugar under control.

The Alvirs invited us over on 12/14 to celebrate Christmas and Nathan's birthday.  We gave Nathan his monster truck birthday cake and some of his gifts.

Nathan turned 4 on 12/15!  We went to church and then he requested to go to Hot Rods for his birthday. We measured Nathan for his 4th birthday and he is almost 42" tall.  I also asked him a series of questions that I intend to put in a scrapbook:
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Toy: Cars
Favorite Food: Goldfish
Favorite thing to eat for breakfast: Oatmeal
Favorite thing to eat for lunch: PB&J Sandwiches, Cucumbers and Carrots
Favorite Snack: Scooby Doo or Lightning McQueen Fruit Snacks
Favorite Cereal: Honey Nut Cheerios
Favorite Fruit: Peaches and Apples
Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk
Food you do not like: Lettuce
Favorite Movie: Disney Planes
Favorite thing to wear: Disney Cars and Disney Planes Shirts
Favorite Animal: Mountain Lion
Favorite Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Favorite Book: Disney Planes Wings Around the Globe (sound book)
Best Friend: Jade
Favorite Place to go: Children's Museum and Hot Rods Restaurant
Favorite Holiday: Easter
What do you like to take to bed with you at night: All of the toys I can grab!
What do you want to be when you grow up: Race Car Driver
Favorite thing to do at school: Playing with Toys
What is something you are good at: Naming Cars

Grandma and Grandpa left to go back to Chicago on 12/16.

Nathan had a rough day at school last Friday and this past Monday.  He also had troubles at Sunday School on his birthday and they said that was unusual.  Hopefully, now that his birthday is over and Grandma and Grandpa are gone he will start behaving better.  He has also been doing his speech evaluation the last week or so.  We will find out the results of that in January.

We have a few large expenses coming up, including new A/C/Furnaces, a new car and new furniture for Nathan's room not to mention other things like a new kitchen table.  I am a little worried about our finances next year so I hope Paul gets a good bonus again and that we get a good tax return.

Christmas is almost here and I am not prepared at all.  I have to wrap Nathan's presents.  Our tree still does not have ornaments and all of our totes are sitting in our living room and family room.  I wanted to buy a few more gifts, but I think I have run out of time.  Still working on a few Christmas cards, too.  I am just so behind this year.  In a way it will be a relief when the holidays are over and things slow down a bit so I can catch up.  Things have been crazy since we did all of that traveling in October.