Friday, February 3, 2012


I have not updated our blog all week!  Nathan was a little better at daycare on Tuesday. 

On Wednesday, he had his speech therapy with the new therapist, Sue.  It was an encouraging session.  She said the prior meeting she was concerned about him, but this time around she is not as worried.  He is active, but she does not suspect ADD at this point.  She said he runs with a purpose (like to grab a toy in the other room to show to her).  Unlike our former therapist, she does not want to try to get him to sit still for speech therapy.  She said she will just work speech therapy around his activity.  Like when he was going down his little slide we worked on ready set go.  The emphasis on go to try and get him to say that.  Also, using the sign for go.  He was more talkative this time around, too.  She said some of the things he is doing with his speech are normal for a child just learning to talk.  Yes, he is behind, but she does not see anything else wrong.  He even said bye to her and he has never said bye before.  I really like her and I am so glad that we have switched therapists.  He has said some new words lately like bird and star, too. 

Because Nathan was a such a good boy at speech therapy I took him to the zoo after our session.

Today, Nathan went to daycare again.  He pushed a little, but his teacher said he is getting better.

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