My headaches seem to be gone. They stopped a day or two after I started taking magnesium. If I knew before that would do the trick I could have saved myself weeks of daily headaches and a trip to the ER!
It snowed in Tucson on 2/20. It came in two big waves. Probably one of the biggest snowstorms in Tucson history. Of course it did not stick for long and the temps have already started to rise, but it was a sight to see.
I went to the Tucson Botanical Gardens on 2/22 to see the butterflies. I love that exhibit. First I met Paul for lunch at Olive Garden....Nathan was in school. It was a great day.
Paul took Nathan to a U of A basketball game yesterday, 2/23. They are still a little loud for Nathan so he did not enjoy it much, but they did have a dog show during half time that got his attention.
Today we did not make it to church because Nathan has been sick the last few days. He has a runny nose and a sore throat. Of course he keeps saying he is not sick, but mommy and daddy know better! We thought it would be best for him to stay home today. I think Paul will be taking Bella to her training tonight.
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