Saturday, March 1, 2014

March already

On 2/7, I went to Sweetwater Wetlands for the first time.  I saw a few birds and ducks, but not a lot.  One of the birds I saw was a Black Phoebe.  It was cool.  I think the most exciting thing, though, was seeing a bobcat.  I don't think I had ever seen one in the wild.  I guess he is a regular there.

On 2/8, we took Nathan to Reid Park Zoo.

On 2/9, we went to Sabino Canyon.  We took the tram up and ALL of us walked the whole way down this time.  I saw some lesser goldfinches and we met the friendliest roadrunner.

We also took the dogs to the vet on 2/9 for their 6 month check up and to get their teeth cleaned.  All looks good, but Bella has put on about 6 lbs since last time!  I had switched foods because Tulla was itching like crazy and I increased Bella's food intake according to the recommendations on the bag.  I get to feed her a little less now which is good on the budget because that grain-free food is expensive!

Bella turned 6 on 2/11!  I bought her a new care bear toy for her birthday.

I took some Valentine's pictures of Nathan on 2/13.  We also got a heart shaped pizza to share for lunch. Paul brought home 2 dozen red roses!  He and Nathan also bought me some jewelry at the Tucson gem and mineral show.  Paul bought me some green gemstone earrings trying to match the ring that we had made last year.  Nathan bought mommy some garnet earrings.  Paul also bought me a Starbucks gift card.  I forget which of these gifts were for Valentine's Day and which were for our anniversary.  He did good this year, though.  Whereas I did not get him anything for a change...I could not figure out what to get him.  

For Valentine's Day we went out to dinner at Olive Garden.  We tried to get there early, but it was still packed.  Our service was so slow that they gave me my entree for free.  It was still a nice dinner, though.
I also tried a new idea this year for Valentine's.  Each day from February 1st until February 14th I put a heart on Nathan's door with something that I love about him written on it.  He really liked it and he and Paul thought that I should do the same thing for I did.

On 2/15, we ordered a new car from Oracle Ford.  We are buying a Ford Fusion Hybrid.  It will not be here for another couple of months, though.

Paul and I celebrated our 11th anniversary on 2/17.  We all went to dinner at our favorite place, Athens on 4th Avenue.  We go there at least once a week now.  For dessert, Nathan and I went home and made chocolate covered strawberries.

On 2/19, I went to Reid Park and Reid Park Zoo.

We went to the NHRA event in Phoenix on 2/21.  It was a long day!  But, we got to meet John Force and his daughters Brittany and Courtney.

Nathan and I went to lunch at Pita Jungle on 2/25.  Then I took him over to Arthur Park so he could ride his Harley big wheel.  When we were getting ready to leave another boy showed up on his big wheel.  They were having too much fun together so I let him stay for awhile.  The ironic thing is that his name was Nathan, too.  We were at that park for like 2 1/2 hours that day!  I was going around the park taking pictures of all of the round tailed ground squirrels.

Nathan and I went to Breakfast with the Lions to meet the new lion cubs on 2/27.  There are 4 cubs this time.  There were 5, but one died shortly after birth.  5 is a big litter so losing 1 is not uncommon.  There are 3 boys and 1 girl.  They are very cute.  They are out with mom in the mornings now and dad comes out in the afternoon.  It will be cool to see the whole family together when they get a little bigger.  Right now I want to take as many pictures of them while I can when they are so tiny.  I was not very happy with the pictures I took that day.  I tried to go back the next day, but they were not out.  One of the cubs ate too much grass the day before and got sick.  I heard they are still not out today.  I hope the little guy will be okay.  I am anxious to see them again.

Today it is raining so we are staying in.  We are supposed to go to the NASCAR race in Phoenix tomorrow.  I hope it does not rain on us!

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