We went to the Sonoran Science Academy open house on 2/19/15. I was rather disappointed. The school does not look nearly as nice as a Casas. The classrooms look cluttered. I am hoping that Nathan will get a good education there, though.
Paul took Nathan to the NHRA races in Phoenix on 2/20.
Nathan went to Marley's birthday party on 2/21. It was also at Heart & Soul and once again he was the only boy. He had fun, though.
We went to Picacho Peak after church on 2/22. Good rains brought out the poppies a little early. This is the first year we finally got the chance to see them there. It was a cloudy day.
I went back to Picacho Peak on 2/25 to take more pictures of the poppies. I went right after I took Nathan to school, but I had to wait for the poppies to open. Then the sun was playing games with me that day because it was causing glare in my pictures. I think it would have been better to wait until the afternoon to take pictures there. After I picked Nathan up from school I took him to Arthur Pack Park. While he played, I took pictures of the round tailed ground squirrels. They did not seem as plentiful as last year, but there were several running around.
Nathan was supposed to be off school on 2/27 for Rodeo Days. He really wanted to go to school that day so I paid extra to have him go. I went to Tucson Botanical Gardens to photograph the butterflies and flowers. Then I checked out the Japanese Gardens. I was disappointed. It was small and there were not many flowers. They had koi, but no water lilies or lotuses. They said those bloom in winter between Oct-Dec, but I think they said they do not plant water lilies, only 1 or 2 lotuses. From there I went to Tohono Chul Park. I was going to eat lunch there and check out the flowers. As soon as I got there I got a call from Nathan's school. They asked me to come pick him up early because he was misbehaving. He threw sand on Peyton's head and threw pebbles at Aubrey. When he was in thinking time, he threw pebbles at another child AND a teacher. He has been in trouble for throwing sand and rocks before so he knows better.
We went to Monster Jam on 2/28. We went mainly to see Scooby Doo. There were a couple of other new ones there, too. Nathan likes El Diablo and Zombie. Zombie had an automated "mouth". We bought the pit passes so we were able to meet the drivers and take pictures. Unfortunately, a lot of my pictures got blurred again. One of these days I will learn how to take pictures at that show! We are considering going to the world finals in Vegas. We can't go this year because it is the end of March and Lisa will be visiting us. We may plan for next year.
Yesterday, 3/1, we decided to go to the Renaissance Festival at the last minute. We had a fund time. We rode the elephant and camel. Nathan also got to ride the llama. I did not realize until the ride home that most of my pictures came out really bright because I had my ISO turned up the day before at Monster Jam. We did get to see some wildflowers during the drive, too.
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