Nathan lost his 11th tooth on 8/27
I went to the Desert Museum, Reid Park and Pima Prickly Park on 9/12.
I went to Reid Park Zoo on 9/14.
I went to Tucson Botanical Gardens and Pima County Cooperative Extension Gardens on 9/29.
We went to Apple Annie's on 10/3/ to pick our pumpkins.
On 10/10, we went up to look for Fall colors on Mt Lemmon. We found some in Bear Wallow! We were surprised by how much color there was there, especially after the bad recent fire. We ate the Iron Door Restaurant.
For Nathan's Fall Break, we decided to take a short trip to Sedona/Flagstaff to try to find some more Fall color. On 10/15, we went to Sedona. We ate lunch at Picazzo's (my favorite...they have the best chicken piccata). We went to Red Rock Crossing. There was some nice Fall color there, but also a lot of people. Sedona is becoming very crowded. We drove through Oak Creek Canyon on our way to our hotel in Flagstaff to stay the night. The next day we spent the day at Bearizona. The following day we went to Lockett Meadow. We drove our car (Ford Fusion 2018). The road was pretty bad and a lot of people were parking on the side about a mile and a half away from the trailhead. So we did, too. We walked to the trailhead and started walking the trail. Nathan didn't get very far before he complained he was tired and couldn't go any further. So he and dad stayed there while I continued on. There wasn't as much color as we were hoping for and many of the leaves had blown off. However, I hiked all the way to the top of the trail and there was more yellow to see of the Aspen trees. After hiking all the way back down and back to the car, I figured I did about 8 miles of hiking that day (I forgot my Fitbit at the hotel). Our last day we made a last minute decision to head to Meteor Crater, Winslow and to Petrified Forest National Park.
Nathan made high honor roll for the 1st quarter! The odd thing is that he said 70% of the class got high honor roll, another 20% got honor roll while only 10% did not make honor roll. It wasn't like that when I was going to school. Only the elite got honor roll. We hope that he is getting a good education. He performed well on the standardized tests last year so we will see how he does this year.
Nathan lost his 12th tooth on 10/24. He got $12 from the tooth fairy.
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