On May 11, I went to Tohono Chul Park, Tucson Botanical Gardens and Pima County Cooperative Extension Gardens.
On May 21, I went to Tohono Chul Park, Tucson Botanical Gardens, Reid Park Rose Garden and Pima County Cooperative Extension Gardens.
Nathan got his Master Club awards on May 25. He earned 4 badges.
Nathan's last day of 5th grade was on May 26. He made high honor roll and the principal's award all year (cumulative GPA > 95.5%). Even though he has made honor roll every year, I think this is his first year getting the principal's award all year. To do this during a tough year of back and forth remote learning and on campus learning is pretty impressive to me. He also got the Go Against the Grain Award. He got a 90 for English Languages (teacher noted that he returns homework and assignments timely), 96 in History/Geography, 100 in Math, 98 in Reading, 98 in Science an E (exceeding the standard) in Latin and his Latin teacher noted that he is a pleasure to have in class, a M (meeting the standard) in Art and his Art teacher noted that he is a pleasure to have in class, a M in Music and a M in PE. Next year Nathan will be entering middle school!
The day after Nathan finished school we flew out to Chicago. We celebrated my grandma's 103rd birthday on 5/29. Her actual birthday was 6/2. Paul and Nathan went up to Paw Paw, MI on May 30 to meet Lisa and her in-laws. Nathan went fishing, but didn't catch anything. On Memorial Day (5/31), we went to Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL. My cousin Rick Cox told us about it at my grandma's birthday party. They had a bunch of military tanks for Nathan to climb on and a lot of gardens on the ground for me to photograph flowers. They had tons of peonies! On June 1, I went to Brookfield Zoo. I went to Lake Katherine on 6/2. I saw waterlilies and other flowers, a snake!, bullfrogs, dragonflies, turtles, a great blue heron, swans, geese with their babies, etc... That night we met Lisa, John, Aubrie, Donnie, Austin and his girlfriend at Ledo's for dinner. I went to Morton Arboretum on 6/3. I was disappointed because there wasn't a lot to photograph. Lots of green trees. The most exciting thing was a few magnolia trees. I think it is much prettier to see in the Fall when the trees change colors. We met my friend Debbie Madl and her kids at Portillo's for dinner on June 3. We left Chicago and came home June 4.
Nathan lost his 16th tooth on June 6. He got $16 from the tooth fairy. He has 4 baby teeth to go.
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