Monday, January 6, 2025

Another Year

 11/22: I went to Pima County Cooperative Extension Gardens, Green Things Nursery and the Reid Park Rose Garden.

11/27: I went to Boyce Thompson Arboretum.  The place was amazing.  The Fall colors were at peak.  I watched a family of 4 coatis, including a baby.  This is the first time I have seen coatis in the wild other than one in the distance at Sabino Canyon.  I also saw an English Bulldog so I took a picture of it for Nathan.

11/28:  Thanksgiving was low key.  I made a turkey breast for myself.  Paul and Nathan had pizza.  We ordered a new computer for me for Christmas/my birthday.  Windows 10 will no longer be supported in October 2025 and my computer will not support Windows 11.  So I have to get a new computer.  My current computer is 8 years old so it is time to upgrade.

12/4: I went to Reid Park Rose Garden and to Green Things Nursery to see their poinsettias.

12/5: I went to Sabino Canyon to see the last of the Fall colors and to Lowe's.

12/14: I went to Beverly Harvey's funeral.

12/15: Nathan celebrated his Golden Birthday, turning 15.  We went to church and then to lunch at Cheesecake Factory.

12/19:  Nathan's last day of school.

12/20: We went to Winterhaven.  

Shortly after we went to Winterhaven, I started to feel ill.  I was sick for Christmas, New Year's and my birthday.  I went to urgent care on 12/27 and they confirmed it was the flu.  I hadn't been sick like that in a long time.

Since I was sick for Christmas, we didn't do much.  Paul painted our patio.  Nathan and I watched Office Space, Tommy Boy and Blue Streak.  

Nathan had a German project where he had to make a family tree, based on his family or a made up family.  He made his family the NCIS characters.  Tony and Ziva were his parents and Gibbs was his grandpa!  His teacher was very impressed and gave him an A.  He also got one of the highest grades on their German final, not just for the class, but since the teacher has been teaching that class from 2017 on.  He had a B the first quarter and the second quarter, but since he did so well on the final she gave him an A for the semester.  She also wrote on his report card that Particpates/Highly Motivated and is a Pleasure to have in class.

Art 1 Q1: A Q2:A S1:A

German 1 Q1:B Q2:B S1:A

Marketing 1 Q1:A Q2:B S1:B

Algebra Honors 2 Q1:B Q2:B S1:B

Pre-AP English 1 Q1:d Q2:C S1:C

AP Biology 5 Q1:A Q2:B S1:B

Q1: 3.42 GPA Q2: 3.29 GPA S1: 3.46 GPA

12/31: Nathan had his annual pediatrician checkup.  Paul took him since I was still sick.  He is 67 inches in the 50% and 143 lbs in the 76%.  He also hurt his toe cutting his nail too close so she gave him an antibiotic.  We didn't stay up until midnight because my family never stays up for New Year's Eve and I was still sick so we all went to bed early.

1/2: I turned 50.  I was just getting over the flu and starting to get my taste back so we took a drive to Chandler to go to Grimaldi's for dinner.  I got my free birthday pizza.

1/6: Nathan started back at school.     

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