Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tomorrow is August already!

On 7/23, I went to the Desert Museum.

Nathan had his one year speech evaluation on 7/24.  Basically, we determined if we met the goals we set a year ago and then we had to come up with new goals.  One previous goal was to get Nathan to play independently more...which he does.  Another one was for Nathan to say hi and bye to daddy when he leaves and gets home from work...which he does.  Getting him to sleep through the night was another goal...that one is questionable.  He sleeps through the night for the most part, but daddy sleeps with him or at least sleeps in his room until he falls asleep...and mommy has to sleep in there during nap time.  New goals are to get him potty trained before he turns three, to get him to sleep alone and to get him to put more than two or three words together.  All in all, they said he is doing pretty good and they even suggested switching speech therapy from 2x/month to once every three weeks.  I decided to stick with 2x/month because I want to get as much therapy as I can in now before he turns three and they no longer provide it.  I know the next few months will go by fast and Nathan is still not really where he should be with his speech...but he has made a lot of progress in the last couple of months.  The challenge comes when he turns three.  We have decided not to start the process of switching over to the public school system when he turns three.  We are hoping he won't need speech therapy after that time.  While it would be free through the public school system, it would be 4 days/week for 3 hours/day.  That is a lot!  Especially considering we have already enrolled him at Casas three days a week.  The public school could pick him up at Casas for the speech therapy each day, but there is no guarantee as to what time of day.  Thus, we could essentially be paying for 3 hours of school at Casas while he is at a public school getting speech therapy. 

On 7/26, I went to Reid Park Zoo.

7/27 was Nathan's last day of summer school and his last day with Ms. Sally (Love).  She was such a great teacher.  I hope Ms. Carrie is just as good.  This week the school is taking a break before Nathan starts next Monday in the 2 year old PDO program.  While Nathan was at school, I went shopping and had lunch with Ann Alvir.

On 7/28, I went to Reid Park Zoo again.  They had a birthday party for the lion cubs who turned one. 

Today Paul took the day off to help me with Nathan since he will be home all week with me.  First, he had a doctor appointment.  His hemoglobin level was high.  Basically, he needs to make big changes in his diet and exercise.  So, he took Nathan grocery shopping and spent a ton of money right after I just went yesterday and spent a ton of money! Paul and Nathan also got haircuts today.  Nathan was a very good boy!

Nathan has been teething again this week.  Once again his appetite is light and he has been in quite a bit of pain.  I can't wait until he gets all of his teeth!

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