Friday, August 3, 2012

Long week

8/1, I took Nathan to the zoo.

Yesterday, we met Nathan's new teacher and Nathan got to see his new classroom.  He had fun with some of the other kids and he was drawn to the train table in the room.  His teacher seems nice.  I really liked Ms. Sally, though, so I hope the new teacher is as good. 

I took Nathan to the Childrens Museum today.  I resisted the urge to take pictures which actually allowed me to control him better.  He had a lot of fun...until I told him we had to go.  It was lunch time and I knew he was getting tired, too.  He even fell asleep in the car just as we got to the musuem.  He fell asleep again on the way home.  I got him to eat lunch and then we took a nap.  The rest of the day was rather difficult.  I have been seriously potty training him the last couple of days with real big boy underwear.  He did well enough going pee pee and poopy on the potty most of the time with some accidents here and there.  This afternoon, though, he had 4 pee pee accidents in a row so I decided to put him back in a pullup again and give up for the day.  I don't know how the weekend will go and Monday he starts back up at school.  I guess I will put him in a pullup that day and see how he does with the new teacher and new class.

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