Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I need to lose weight...

On 5/8, I went to the Desert Museum.

Here is a picture of Nina with her new flamingo toy:

On 5/9, Nathan had another speech therapy session.  We decided that since he has been making so much progress lately we are going to switch from once a week to twice a month.  He is doing much better.  Yesterday he said hot dog clear as day. 

Here is another picture of Nina taken 5/10.  It is funny that she has that big bed and yet half of her body is hanging off of it!

On 5/11, I went to the Tucson Botanical Gardens and Tohono Chul Park.  It was National Gardens Day or something like that so I got in free (I am actually a member at the Tucson Botanical Gardens).  I went to take pictures to enter another photo contest.  I previously entered another contest with the theme Macro Photography, but I did not win :(  Some day soon I am going to buy some macro accessories for my camera. 

We celebrated Mother's Day on 5/12.  Paul made me breakfast, went out and got me lunch at Pappoules Greek Cafe, bought me chocolate covered strawberries from Edible Arrangements and then took me out to dinner at Caruso's. 

Today, I had my annual gynecologist appointment.  They weighed me and it depresses me how much weight I have gained since I had Nathan.  I vow to start losing it.  They also did a fasting glucose test and I fear the test results.  I pray my diabetes has not come back.  I am very serious about eating better and exercising more. 

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